News & Events

GCTA Q2 2024 Newsletter

A Warm Welcome to Dr. Bello Abdussalam: GCTA's New Global Youth Coordinator

"We are thrilled to welcome Dr. Bello Abdussalam as our Global Youth Coordinator," says Blessina Kumar, CEO, GCTA. "Bello's rich experience in youth engagement and global health policy advocacy positions him to significantly enhance our GCTA-Y chapters across Brazil, Cameroon, India, and South Africa. His proven track record in youth mobilization, health research, and advocacy campaigns aligns perfectly with our mission. We are excited for the innovative approaches and strong leadership he will bring to our community."

Translating Global Commitments into Action: WHO SEARO Meeting

April 23

Strategic Objective 2: Coalition Building and Strategic Communications

Blessina Kumar, CEO, GCTA represented GCTA at the WHO SEARO meeting in Bangkok, discussing how to translate global and regional political commitments into actionable steps to end TB in the South-East Asia Region. She presented findings from a GCTA-WHO SEARO survey on community engagement with the UN HLM 2023 TB targets, highlighting gaps in engaging younger populations and challenges such as limited access to tools, and insufficient funding. The survey's insights are crucial for shaping future TB care and response strategies.

Identifying Advocacy Priority and Needs for 1/4/6x24 in India

April 24

Strategic Objective 1: Issue Based Advocacy

Organized by GCTA, Treatment Action Group (TAG), and ARK Foundation, this pivotal meeting for the TB community in India focused on the 1/4/6x24 campaign. David Branigan from TAG provided insights on the campaign, and our esteemed CEO, Blessina Kumar, delivered a powerful talk on why India needs 1/4/6x24, its present status in the country and the importance of the community’s voice for demand generation. The active participation of community members led to meaningful discussions and a deeper understanding of advocacy priorities.

Launch of Community Friendly Point-of-Care TB Diagnostics Brochure

May 1

Strategic Objective 1: Issue Based Advocacy

Blessina Kumar, CEO, GCTA launched GCTA’s newly created community-friendly brochure on Point-of-CareTB Diagnostics. This vital resource, enriched with insights from community field testing, is designed to empower and educate on TB diagnostics and care. Aimed at enhancing advocacy and improving health outcomes, the brochure is a testament to collaborative efforts with community members. We encourage you to distribute it within your networks to help push forward our shared goal of combating TB.

GCTA Meets Unitaid Communities Delegation

May 1

Strategic Objective 2: Coalition Building and Strategic Communications

Blessina Kumar, CEO, GCTA, participated in a vibrant meeting in New Delhi with the Unitaid Communities Delegation. Blessina Kumar voiced key issues such as access to TB drugs, shorter regimens, and the meaningful engagement of the India TB community, and explored how the Unitaid Communities Delegation can support local networks in India to accelerate the fight against TB.

WHO Civil Society Task Force Transition

May 12

Strategic Objective 4: Capacity Building

Blessina Kumar, CEO, GCTA played a key role in the transition of new members into the WHO Civil Society Task Force on TB. During a notable meeting in Geneva, she joined global health leaders to welcome new members, underscoring the essential role of communities in combating TB. At the WHO Townhall for Affected Communities and Civil Society, Blessina voiced community concerns about engagement and the critical need for further TB research and development. Her contributions continue to strengthen global efforts to eliminate TB.

Unite4TB Community Advisory Board Insights

May 15

Strategic Objective 2: Coalition Building and Strategic Communications

At the Unite4TB Annual Meeting, GCTA's Blessina Kumar, a member of the Community Advisory Board, delivered impactful remarks on the essence of community engagement. She emphasized the importance of going to the people and building on their knowledge. During discussions on trial site engagement and patient-centered care, she advocated for placing decision-making in the hands of the affected communities, promoting a more inclusive approach to TB treatment and research.

GCTA-Youth Launched inBrazil, Cameroon, India and South Africa

May 18 | June 22 | June 24

Strategic Objective 4: Capacity Building

In a vibrant demonstration of youth empowerment, GCTA-Y Cameroon, India, and South Africa successfully hosted their inaugural in-person meetings. Supported by our partners FIS Cameroon and TB Proof, these gatherings were pivotal in enriching the participants' understanding of TB while fostering robust discussions that enhanced their leadership and advocacy skills. The sessions underscored the crucial role of young individuals in driving forward the global TB response. Blessina Kumar, lauding the efforts, remarked, "Young people are bold, passionate, and today's leaders. Their active participation in the TB response is essential." This initiative, supported by Challenge Facility for Civil Society, marks a significant stride towards a healthier future, illustrating GCTA's commitment to integrating dynamic youth perspectives in combating TB.

GCTA at the World Health Assembly

May 27 - June 1

Strategic Objective 2: Coalition Building and Strategic Communications

GCTA's presence at the World Health Assembly (WHA) in Geneva was marked by impactful participation in various forums. Blessina Kumar, CEO, GCTA, emphasized the intersection of health and climate action at the world stage. Additionally, in a collaboration with FINDdx and the World Diabetes Foundation, Blessina discussed the vital integration of care for TB and diabetes on the sidelines of the WHA. This session highlighted the pressing need to address the dual burden of these interlinked diseases, noting that approximately 400,000 people with TB annually are attributable to diabetes. GCTA's advocacy continues to prioritize community perspectives, ensuring that integrated care solutions are tailored to meet the most urgent needs.

Regional Training of Trainers on TB Diagnostics in Hyderabad

June 7 - 8

Strategic Objective 4: Capacity Building

In a significant stride towards advancing knowledge of WHO recommended rapid molecular diagnostics for TB among communities, GCTA, in collaboration with Molbio Diagnostics and supported by TB Alert India, hosted a regional training of trainers (TOT) in Hyderabad, Telangana. The event was spearheaded by Blessina Kumar, CEO, GCTA, who along with other experts, focused on modernizing TB diagnostics through the adoption of NAT machines in India. The training attracted 24 key community stakeholders from diverse backgrounds, enhancing their capacity in TB diagnostics and advocacy, ultimately aiming to bolster TB control efforts in the region.

Advancing Global TB Efforts: Blessina Kumar at WHO TB-PPM Meeting

June 23 - 26

Strategic Objective 2: Coalition Building and Strategic Communications

Blessina Kumar represented GCTA at the WHO TB-PPM meeting in Bangladesh, focusing on advancing multisectoral and multistakeholder engagement. Discussions centered on innovative strategies to enhance global TB eradication efforts. The GCTA team received special recognition from WHO for its contributions in updating the WHO Roadmap on Public–Private Mix for TB Prevention and Care, integrating survivor experiences to enrich the document.